Learn the Truth About
Verbal Emotional Abuse & Domestic Violence
Helping You End Domestic Abuse

From the Desk of Dr. Jeanne King, Ph.D.
Dear Survivor,
Are you in an intimate relationship that hurts... pondering whether to stay or leave your partner?
Or, are you in a controlling relationship wondering if this is spousal domestic abuse, and long to find a way to end the pain of being violated?
If either of these situations is true for you, read on because this page has resources especially for you.
The links on this page will lead you to questions, insights and the answers to your concerns about domestic violence intervention and domestic abuse prevention.
There's no need to comb through loads of conflicting facts and statistics that can confuse people and leave them spinning. We seek to provide you with the truth about the psychosocial dynamics of domestic violence and the keys to breaking the cycle of abuse, whether you chose to end or remain in your relationship.
This website contains practical and professional resources designed to help people break the cycle of family violence. You will find information on...
- identifying emotional and verbal abuse
- recognizing abusive relationship signs
- emotional, sexual and financial control
- leaving an abusive relationship safely
- effective domestic abuse counseling
- help for abused men
- healing from domestic abuse
- helping loved ones in an abusive relationship
- the social politics of domestic violence divorce
- and legal psychiatric abuse in child custody disputes
We give the basics on domestic violence and abuse, and also help people understand the difficult topics from gaslighting to parental alienation to sex and control.
Are You in a Dangerous Relationship?

In as little as 15 minutes, you can be well on your way recognizing if you are in an abusive relationship.
The Intimate Partner Abuse Screen helps people identify essential signs of abuse and intimate partner violence from the privacy of their own home or office.
This online interactive eTest gives an immediate, accurate and completely confidential assessment of intimate partner violence.
Diagnose an abusive relationship instantly and learn the 5 "Red Flags" to be aware of... before they spiral out of control. More Info
"It's an excellent tool for assessing domestic violence". Teresa Nirider, RN, Public Health Nurse, WY Department of Health, Family Nurse Partnership Program.
Emotional Verbal Abuse: How to Recognize, Cope and Heal

Recognize emotional verbal abuse as it lives in your relationship. This clarification and understanding can equip you with the tools to avert the potential impact of emotional verbal abuse and even arrest its insidious flow.
Emotional Verbal Abuse: How to Recognize, Cope and Heal eBook will show you powerful methods for healing...freeing you from carrying these wounds any further in your life. More Info
"For the first time, I experienced "being heard." Reading these books resonated too deeply at times, and on other occasions gave voice and perspective to unresolved questions that have been brewing within. Thank you so much! I found it an enormously beneficial, enlightening and supportive experience." Anonymous
Crazy Making Legal-Psychiatric Abuse: Signs and Prevention

Crazy-making legal psychiatric ploys torment domestic abuse survivors at home and in divorce court. However, just because he/she wants the world to believe you are the "crazy" one, you don't have to wear the crazy hat.
Crazy Making Legal Psychiatric Abuse: Signs and Prevention eBook will show you how to hold onto your sanity en route to your safety and well-being. Learn to identify and stop the devastating impact of crazy making legal-psychiatric abuse before it defines you and your children. More Info
"Reading this ebook helped me realize how to get the doctor to stay honest on my evaluation. Thank your for all your insights and information." Divorce Litigant and Survivor, CA
Yes, Abusers Can Change:
End Spousal Abuse and Save Your Marriage

Marital therapy, psychotherapy, anger management not working for you and your partner. Before you give up, know your options for domestic abuse therapy.
Learn how domestic violence counseling promotes change for batterers and healing for domestic abuse survivors.
Yes, Abusers Can Change eBook helps you and your partner identify, engage in and benefit from effective domestic abuse treatment. More Info
"I'd make it a point to get my hands on anything Dr. King writes concerning Domestic Abuse; a subject that is near and dear to my heart. Her compassion and understanding are like a breath of fresh air in a sea of information that is often difficult to navigate, but too critical not to" Tina Caldwell, GA
Domestic Abuse Counseling and Consulting Services
When you need help with partner abuse the most, sometimes finding the right help is most difficult. The "right" intervention is critical in domestic abuse situations.
Consulting and counseling services combining domestic abuse advocacy, domestic violence treatment and therapeutic healing interventions are most effective in breaking the cycle of abuse than either approach done independently.
The Intimate Partner Abuse Treatment Program is a finely tuned domestic violence treatment protocol, integrating a psychoeducational intervention promoting change for batterers and a psychotherapeutic intervention facilitating healing for domestic abuse survivors. More Info
"If there is something I want from her, I can let her know without bullying, attacking, threatening or diminishing her." Anonymous Male Participant
"I am stronger and happier, and people tell me they see me being myself again." Anonymous Female Participant
Legal Domestic Abuse Expert Consulting is available for those in an abusive relationship who are interfacing with the healthcare or legal system.
Most often this is a domestic violence survivor involved in legal separation or divorce proceedings and child custody litigation. Allegations of parental alienation are frequently core issues in these cases.
"I did a 180 degree turn from being overwhelmed and paralyzed to getting my voice heard in family court." Litigant in divorce proceeding with an abuser. (Name and location intentionally omitted.)
"Dr. King, My son finally contacted me after seven years. I am in shock. Thanks for all of your help and guidance especially when I was suicidal. My son is now texting me every day. Plus he wants a new jersey with the number 17 (my birthdate). Thanks so much. And God Bless." Consulting Client
The Family Violence Intervention helps loved ones and friends in an abusive relationship. It is typically inspired by a family member of the abused and is designed to help the victim awaken to the danger they live and break the cycle of abuse.
For more information about these consulting and treatment programs, please visit Domestic Violence Counseling and Consulting
Individuals benefiting from our services and educational materials note how the resources have helped them break the cycle of abuse and regain their lives.
Whether you are dealing with "gas-lighting," verbal abuse, emotional abuse, bullying behavior, legal abuse, parental aleination, sex and control, or any of the nightmares of abusive relationships, we wish the same for you.
We are honored to contribute to the safely and well being of individuals and families worldwide, and we look forward to contributing to yours.

May there be peace for you and yours.
Kindest regards,
Dr. Jeanne King, Ph.D.
PS. No one desreves to be abused, including you!
The proceeds from sales on this website support the work of Partners in Prevention, a 501(c)3 public charity dedicated to helping individuals, families and healthcare professionals to recognize and end domestic abuse. Thank you for helping to prevent domestic abuse.